@hmay2018 actually would be extremely cool if there was an in-game poker tutorial/educative mode for poker noobs.

16 May 2023, 12:17
@hmay2018 actually would be extremely cool if there was an in-game poker tutorial/educative mode for poker noobs. And through this tutorial with badass immersive graphics, let new players learn all the strategies, tips, table positions etc. ( You could also use past tuesday tips, or just record them all). And not only that, This tutorial with like an assistant that knows your cards and make suggestions on one side of the screen, for example(like a poker advisor); and it could be so immersive and well done that not only could introduce poker to new poker players, but also could introduce the whole immersive ue5 gameplay p2E experience AND even explain how PKR token works and how is involved in the game. Also going through all the items, coins etc. With this idea of such tutorial experience you could potentially introduce crypto, metaverse gaming, p2e, and the whole new tech to the world. You would gain lots of trust, the branding would be excellent as a (1) perfect game to learn how to play poker. (2) best immersive game to play poker. (3) A trustful and serious company inside crypto where newjoiners could start investing in crypto with PKR (you could educate about this in the tutorial) (4) best social interactive poker game ever, and I got other points that I cannot remember now. Hopefully al this makes sense. Not a native english speaker...